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5 thoughts on “Weekends”
I had noticed that “we” have not done real well with the “weekend rest” idea….:(
With your permission I will gladly remind “us” to rest! 🙂
Thanks for all the great stuff – seems to just get better and better!
Have a great weekend… enjoy those kiddos! Looking forward to seeing you in July!
Yeah skip and beat me if I mess up in the fall. That is when we really need to rest, those weekends in the fall. It really will make a difference and we need to check each other so, in spite of the tongue in cheek joking around about it, let’s make sure that we observe our two days of downtime here in spite of the tornadic energy this work often brings.
Thanks for the reminder as I go about ignoring it. Since I am unofficially free from my school duties, I want to thank the group again for offering great ideas and much appreciated perspective on what we do every day.
Chill, will we see you at NTPRS again this year? I can’t remember if you said you were going or not
Yes, Skip, I am doing both!!!! Can’t wait to see everybody. I think both events will be fabulous.