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4 thoughts on “Research Question”

  1. I’m happy to say that I can side-step admin more today than ever before. It’s a good feeling.
    That said, I have a handful of articles I’ve found important enough regarding CI to save on my laptop. Feel free to email me at seanmichaellawler at if you’d like me to send them to you. They’re mostly written by Krashen.

  2. I would say BVP’s new book “While we are on topic”, BVP’s “From input to output”, “How languages are Learned” by Patsy Lightbown, and anything from Krashen of course. has free articles. You just need to sift through it.
    There’s a ton of stuff out there. Also look at Youtube: Bill VanPatten: What every teacher needs to know about language acquisition.
    The research is out there. The issue is distilling it enough for admins. It’s unlikely that an administrator who oversees every subject in the school is going to spend an hour reading an SLA book.

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