Thoughts on Online Instruction

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7 thoughts on “Thoughts on Online Instruction”

  1. I am training a Zoom group in Israel and here is what one of the teachers said about how the Star encourages kids to turn on their cameras voluntarily:

    I just used the method with my 8th grade special ed class and it took a few minutes for them to get used to, but they are participated and at the end we were able to read the sentence – “Ben is eating chocolate ice cream in a store in Tel Aviv.”  I used the chat to have the students suggest and vote on each action or adjective.    This enabled the kids who don’t open their camera to participate.  By the end they were willing to join by voice and a few eventually turned on their cameras….

    Hal R.

  2. I know that this generally wasn’t recommended in the past when we were teaching under normal circumstances, but I have found it useful- cold-calling students. I have gone back to using popsicle sticks with students names on them to ask them to volunteer to translate or to ask them questions. With hybrid learning it’s easy to forget about some of the kids online and this helps me make sure they are not neglected.

    I also adjusted my Interpersonal Rubric for E-learning and I enter it in and email parents to those that get below a B.

    If you want to see what that rubric looks like here it is:

  3. I’ve resisted cold-calling. I don’t know. But what I do do is watch for any glimmer of life in a student that is otherwise constantly ghosting. I’ll pause and start talking about what I see or hear from that student’s video box.

    I have one class of seniors that are really struggling with putting their heads in the camera. Very slowly, they are coming back to video as their grades dip down into C and D territory.

  4. This whole thing is an uphill battle though— students attending from a moving car as their parents take them to a doctor’s appointment. Parents excusing their children from class because they have hockey practice (actually that kind of think happened before e-learning!)- students going on vacation during e-learning. Another student was attending some sort of protest or demonstration while attending class- people around him holding up signs.

  5. The cool thing is that I actually believe that the students that WANT to learn a language are actually learning (or acquiring!) more now than they did with the in-person language. The students who usually broke rule #2 are now the students who do not show up or have their camera chronically off!

    As you said in your recent Youtube talk- the tide is turning in favor of CI!

  6. Thanks for always being on point with what is really going on with the movement.

    The thing that I can’t really understand is how most teachers fail to see this gem that you expressed above:

    …the students that WANT to learn a language are actually learning … more now than they did with the in-person language [instruction]. ….

    Are we the only two who see that?

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