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1 thought on “The Link Between Cognition and Respect”
This is an enormous and crucial topic.
World Language has always been undervalued in our schools/wider culture, and the poor student experience & underwhelming outcomes have reinforced negative attitudes and disrespect (or at least under-the-radar consideration….)
Now we have a wildly shifting culture and low regard for the whole educational enterprise, which is misunderstood, blamed and buffeted about by misguided federal initiatives (like hi-stakes testing), resented (since the economic downturn – ‘How will school help my child have financial security?’ and, ‘It’s not fair that teachers seem to have more financial security than me!’) and scapegoated for every social ill-from anxiety and depression to violence, substance abuse and mental illness…
Your Average Joe has no idea why we chose to teach – what we could possibly like about it – what we see as our art and mission to connect and inspire…
Sorry to sound like a downer on a Sunday, but our attitude and grace before our kids and colleagues has never been more important to our vision for a better world….