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6 thoughts on “Question”

  1. Sean M Lawler

    Gosh, perhaps more than anything for those students we weren’t able to reach, knowing that they are capable of acquiring a foreign language is tantamount. When they are ready. This year, with me, perhaps not. But you will be, some day. I hope I did not discourage you in any way from thinking that you are not capable of acquiring a foreign language. I have my flaws. We all have our flaws. I value you. I value your differences. I value your perspective. I would love to hear from you one day, especially if and when you start to get yourself exposed to a foreign language. Tell me about it, please!

  2. Yes Sean this is a great response. I haven’t responded yet bc I needed time to think about it. I’m still thinking about it.
    I know that many of the kids are just not motivated, have had it beaten out of them by what they live in schools each year. So trying to get kids to believe when they are so defeated would be a problem.
    I wouldn’t allow a class discussion, however. Most of the kids not doing their 50% might find in it a chance to go off. I might invite personal thoughts, give some time on the exam, assure privacy, etc.

  3. Sometimes those kids that did not give their 50% actually end up being your biggest fans and advocates. They grow up later on and realize that they were immature & that your class really was beneficial.
    I recently received an email from a graduate (now a sophomore in college) who had me as a teacher back when I was forced output and then later on when I was transitioning to CI. She said “keep doing what you are doing. High school kids can be difficult”.
    Sometimes we have to realize that we are dealing with KIDS, not adults. Not all of them are going to have the maturity to appreciate what we are doing- for some that realization will come later on.

  4. Kara we can talk more about this this summer in MN. Once students get worksheets it like poisons their capacity to do what we can ask of them in class. Worksheets to them are easy and interacting in a positive reciprocal and participatory way in class with us is hard. Of course, the opposite is true but that is where we are now in education.
    My idea here is that once you get your own kids from the beginning at level 1 you will see some things that you can’t see now. You kind of have to let those worksheet kids go emotionally. It’s hard but that’s all you can do. In my own experience sixth graders will totally rock the house w the Invisibles.Then you will see something. The Invisibles were invented by sixth graders.

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