One Word Images – 1

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6 thoughts on “One Word Images – 1”

  1. Hi, Ben! I just did an OWI *your way* today, for the first time. With Levels French I, II, III(H) and IV – AP in my self-contained high school program in SoCal, nonetheless.

    They liked it — it was fun for them. I was floored. I thought the process went well.

    I was surprised that it was really hard for me to give up control… I like to think of myself as mellow. But I’m not…I want control.

    Hmmm… who knew that teaching French would present such an excellent opportunity to go further & further down the rabbit hole [with the help of 200 high schoolers]?

  2. Congrats Leigh Anne and that is exactly why many teachers do what I would call a watered down version of OWI. It does require an ability to let go of control. It’s not a rabbit hole, for me at least. I was down a rabbit hole for over 15 years with this work, years ago when we first met in L.A. but now I can say that I’ve climbed out and the weather is lovely out here.

  3. No of course I get that Leigh Anne. But you know more than most, since the two of us have what, 30 years in TPRS, that the term rabbit hole is actually very commonly used to describe what is largely a failed method (in terms of being easy to put into a classroom, which all successful methods must by definition be).

    I have heard more than a few people say that they went to a conference and it took them “down into the TPRS rabbit hole” and the only way they could get out was to go back to the book but they didn’t want to do that either so it drove them nuts. That’s what I meant. Different interpretations of the word rabbit hole.

    The thing is, what is the TPRS Rabbit Hole? I think it is the result of mixing school with the research on CI. What Tina and I are doing is saying, and I would never say this anywhere but here where it is private and safe, that we don’t have to mix school and the research – which are two completely incompatible things.

    So then we can finally just stand up and yell to the world, “Dammit, I’m not going to compromise the research anymore because I have to give a freaking common assessment to please someone who has no idea how languages are acquired and should not be teaching!”

    Starting to rant but you get the idea.

    1. I like talking about this stuff. Thank you, Ben!

      And, yes, I have seen ‘rabbit hole’ used variously. I like my distinctly Carrollian slant… 😉

      And I am so glad I don’t have to deal with teachers outside of your blog! My hat is off to you for even trying to dialogue with those who critique our approach to CI.


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