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3 thoughts on “Speech and Writing Output Can’t Be Taught – They Just Emerge”
If we allow lots of English (conscious language analysis) into our classrooms it prevents the Din (Krashen) Soup from being made into language because the deeper mind is not equipped to handle a mix of English and the target language. Rather, it needs pure unfettered language – the chef has no idea of what to do with grammar rules.
The Din is a constant bubbling of sound. It’s a flood of words sent into the deeper mind that Chomsky has called quite accurately the Language Acquisition Device. Let the chef – the one with the tallest hat – take over. That’s not us.
We aren’t chefs. We drive the delivery trucks and all we can do is just provide the ingredients of language to our students’ unconscious minds so that they don’t starve.
Thanks so much for this post Ben! This is just what I needed to see, “Speech and Writing Output Can’t Be Taught – They Just Emerge.”
put much less poetically: Output is a RESULT of copious comprehended input.
Wynn Wong said, “…A flood of input for a trickle of output.”