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1 thought on “Movie Talk with Matava/Tripp Scripts – 2”
I unashamedly admit that I needed a break today (and it’s only two weeks after our Spring Break). This is what I did:
German 1: Read and Discuss, then partner read. (One student reads a sentence in German and the partner summarizes in English; then they trade roles for the next sentence and continue through the reading.) End the period by singing “Schnitzelbank”.
German 2: We are finishing up an Ann Matava script: “Can’t find her brain”, so I summarized a story about a father who can’t find his son, so he searches and searches for him, and others help him in different places during his search. Then we watched the film that has that plot: “Finding Nemo”.
German 3/4/AP: A bit of grammar just before the AP exam. Today it was German verbs, which are a lot easier than Spanish verbs. On Monday I will present the German case system in all of its glory. Then we’ll move on to reading German literature: Fairy Tales and children’s stories. (“Struwwelpeter” is wonderfully macabre, and so is “Max und Moritz”.)