Keep Honing Your Assessment Practices

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3 thoughts on “Keep Honing Your Assessment Practices”

  1. What is the reasoning behind the “5, 4, 2, 0” number scheme? Just curious. I can see students finding it odd. And do you think there’s a benefit to self-evaluation as opposed to the teacher putting the grade in at the end of class? I thought about doing this last semester but ended up keeping it the same.

    1. Self evaluation is the same as self reflection and necessary if the child is ever to break through the mental prison that school is about memorization.

      Also, the only grade that counts is the teacher’s. In those few cases where the grade varies a lot from the teacher’s, it’s an opportunity to talk.

  2. Michelle thought of this. Her reasoning was that 1 and 3 are too vague. So that if a kid is hardly listening at all a 1 is the same as a 0 and a 3 is essentially the same as a 2. But she wanted to base it on a 5 scale and not a 3 scale. So she used those four numbers. I think it’s brilliant, keeping her system based on 5, which computers like (easily doubled to 10) and not 3, which computers don’t like.

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