jGR Works With Snotty Kids

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3 thoughts on “jGR Works With Snotty Kids”

  1. Hey it’s always cool when I refresh this page (because I never sign off) and see my issue has become a main thread! Thanks!

    The girl actually DID pull the “but everybody else…” and she even threw in “you should hold me to the same standards” to which I could’ve laughed outlook because it shows such intelligence about how she knows the way teachers are expected to work within the educational system and yet such manipulation that she can throw those words around for her own gains. I DID say exactly what was suggested: “we are talking about YOU.”

    I get a little nervous because math is NOT my strong point and I’m afraid that the weights I’ve chosen for things are going to screw over a kid genuinely. So a part of me had a bit of weakness during the talk with her. I checked other students grades, and there’s only one jGR in there. Kids that scored a 4 are getting 80, way better than 60. So if she’d just figure out that one more point would get her 20% more maybe shed shut it in class.

    End rant.

  2. I love the “It would be very unprofessional of me to talk about other students in front of you!” I’ll get plenty of use out of that in the future, I think.

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