Get Permission on Names

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6 thoughts on “Get Permission on Names”

  1. Ben, you certainly have my permission to call me Le Chevalier de l’Ouest. It’s an honorable title and really does say something about me. For instance, I genuinely attempt to apply the ideals of chivalry in my daily life. You made a reference to me once as “king” of something, and I would have rejected that designation. Fortunately, Chevalier was already well established, so that was just a single, passing reference.

  2. I can’t remember the king reference. But see that is the way we find the right name. We may try out a name on a kid and it only sticks if it is the right name. The names and the jobs thus become, clearly, almost indispensable to creating the kind of focused classroom we must have. I used to think that they, esp. the jobs, were kind of neat. Now I see them as crucial to my success in managing my classroom. I can’t wait to see if we can get more names (and jobs) for each other here in the PLC. It’s fun!

    1. I haven’t looked at the jobs list for a while, but I added a new job in my classes. It’s “Question Word Pointer”. The way my room is configured, a couple of students sit under the question words. It’s awkward for them to keep turning around to look, so I made them the Question Word Pointers. When I use a question word (especially if it’s repeated or I pause), they have to point to it in the set of question words rather than my using the laser pointer. When I reassign seating, the people who do that job will change. I already have some people who now want to sit there.

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