Report from the Field – 1 – Julia Lynch

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8 thoughts on “Report from the Field – 1 – Julia Lynch”

  1. So Julie is this YOUR Donavan or the class’s OWI of Donavan? I ask because I’ve never heard of a teacher having their own invisible character and it opens up possibilities. Why? Because one way we drive interest in kids is via compare contrast and if a class knows that the teacher has a kind of “alter ego” invisible character there in the classroom, it could spark new discussion/competition, etc. I love that! I’ll tell Tina. I’ve actually never heard of this idea.

  2. The thing is that there are so many of these. Each class doing the Invisibles has them. I wonder if there is a way that we could collect them all in one place like here on the PLC. But there would be thousands. Still, I wonder….
    Actually the answer on collection of these characters is to keep it at the building level using students’ own organization skills as per the jobs and end-of-year project time. That’s a specific and local way to collect and keep in one building all the greatness we create each year.
    The characters play a big part in community building. It’s like each class gets to have an art gallery in their own home with artwork produced by family members vs. putting them in all a museum where we don’t get to know the artists personally.
    Teachers and students who learn their language using the Invisible smile a lot more, I think.

  3. Hi Ben and everyone!
    I just can’t believe how finding the Invisibles is changing my work days. This is my first year as a full time teacher at a private school, and it’s been HARD. I’ve done difficult things before but nothing was as beyond my control and depressing as teaching at this school, for many reasons. Out of desperation, I began searching and praying for something that would help me. I found Ben and the Invisibles on YouTube…
    About Donavan, he is the first OWI I’ve tried with the class. The biggest contributors to his creation were two kids I’ve had significant problems with. It really did take a leap of faith for me to do this. I thought I would be standing in class without anything to do with them after ten minutes. NO SO! Indeed they put so much into this! There are other details about him they came up with. It was interesting how sure they were about their answers. When the artist asked the class if he should have hair, they were sure he shouldn’t. They really cared about his age (17).
    Interestingly, Donavan resembles the artist to me. She put glasses on him without asking anyone. She was my biggest adversary when I started doing TPRS recently, saying openly how much she disliked it. So, her attitude is different now moving to CI…with our own creation.
    I showed him to another class (a class that gives me ulcers, they’re so rude) and they wanted to begin making things up about him and adding details. I didn’t let them and told them we will make our own this coming week. A girl from another dreaded class saw him posted at the front of the room and began drawing a character on the whiteboard. I assume she took my praise of him as a challenge, as is mentioned in the Natural Approach book.
    I am trying not to devour the book but am going slowly through it. We will begin our workshop on Tuesday. I’m actually excited about my job now, whereas I was counting down the days for the end of the year, applying to other jobs all over the place, lamenting not being a student anymore. Now, I’m re-upping my contract at the end of the month because they are allowing me to do this.
    I’ll let everyone know if they eat my lunch on Tuesday, but I’m actually feeling somewhat confident.
    To be continued…

    1. …I’ll let everyone know if they eat my lunch on Tuesday….
      I don’t think they will but if they do you can barf on them. Teaching is such that even if someone eats our lunch (usually kids but also admins and parents), we can still vomit on an empty stomach. It’s just not an easy job. So this is an especially welcome report!

      1. Thank you Ben!
        I am going to post and stick to the Classroom Rules. I think a calmness on my part has been missing. I’ve tried to strong-arm them considerably this year which, obviously, has been detrimental to our relationship.

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