Carly on Tough Classes

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2 thoughts on “Carly on Tough Classes”

  1. True. I am excited to try out silent CI and the ICSR now because, at parent teacher night, just got the news that I’m not getting my contract renewed. Now that I feel liberated and pushed out the birdnest to find a job I was going to look for anyway, I’m glad I can do as I please without worrying and problem solve à la Carly.

  2. Some classes need this. We model that our sanity is important by creating boundaries early on instead of say me being the most lax teacher that ends up being stepped on by my own students. Entitled brats they were because they came to me that way. Nope no more. We are working hard now because that is what some wanted and now I’m going to address that damn elephant in the room — heritage speakers who just coasted and who thought that grammar and a few vocab words was learning. Now, I have to work more and plan and align assessments with my colleague with the principal facilitating. So much for being a low key department. At least I’m surviving… And the textbook teacher is retiring this year.

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