Can’t Do Statements

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3 thoughts on “Can’t Do Statements”

  1. Preach it brother! Ok, so we have these statements. Whatever. I refer to them like a boss when I am under interrogation. But I don’t “use” them per se, and i DEFINITELY DONT BACKWARD PLAN FROM THEM UGHHHHHH!!!! Or plan what types of questions I can ask to elicit a certain response. Nope. Not doing that. I just ask the next logical question in the context of the interaction. I do not pre-plan my questioning sequences. I don’t know ahead of time what I am going to ask because I don’t know ahead of time what the topic is or who I’m talking to. Can you imagine if we had to pre-plan questions to ask each individual student? How many hours would that take?


  2. Jen I appreciate you so much. Over all these years we have fought so hard, like real warriors I would say, for the heart quality in teaching. I am so proud to know you. I am very happy that you are in this group, for ten years now, if I am right. God bless you.

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