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3 thoughts on “Building Community – 3”
By the way, everyone should check out a classroom management system (it’s a parenting system as well) called “Love and Logic” by Dr Fay. It’s very similar to Fred Jones as well as Ben and Tina’s ideas on management, but he has a few new ideas in there as well.
I just got the book and on first glance the stuff in there is pure gold.
Here is their Youtube channel:
Wow I remember reading the book and thinking there was a lotta manipulation going on…the one takeaway I recall was setting things up as a choice – as in”Do you want the brussel sprouts or the spinach – YAY! You get to choose!’
But I have heard myself say, ‘you can sit flat on your chair or stand in the back if your body needs a difft position – you get to choose!’ when I see a kid balancing on the back legs of their chair, or ‘laying’ in their chair…
“We must rub away, via happiness and love (think of Saint-Exupéry’s definition*), our students’ fragile and unformed personas.”
This is something to meditate on for me as I prepare for starting semester 2 (I have a 3 week break, not 2. Don’t be jealous, lol). And speaks to why students would submit negative, abrasive reviews on the survey that Greg shared with us.