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4 thoughts on “Our Students Are Young”
Thanks for the inspiring words, Ben. (All my words are automatically written with capital letters as i write this comment, like a title. Hmmmm) Anyways, We are coming to the end of the first semester, the first semester of Covid learning. And, of course, I’ m getting the same questions, “How can I raise my grade?” albeit from just a handful of students. So, Today I had a coming-to-Jesus kind of lecture about how to participate in a video conference, since many of them “Ghost” or just show their foreheads.
I think they get the significance of showing people you are listening to them on a video conference and how these habits of listening are important to exercise in all videoconferencing scenarios. Now they need to Act on it. They get it.
Coming back to your post, it reminds me of just how torn and disheartened our students feel right now. (i teach full remotely until April, at minimum). I imagine a classroom experience where grades were insignificant. What would I do? I’m going to approach next week with that thought: Grades are insignificant — and let’s see how I interact with them any differently. I like this. Let’s see what happens!
Sean the new books perfectly minimalize grades. I’ll send them.
ok. I see that even though as I write the words appear in capital letters, when it posts, the change. Looks like your website here makes the capitalization corrections for you
This an actual glitch that is being worked on.