Interview With Dr. Asher

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8 thoughts on “Interview With Dr. Asher”

  1. Thank you Nathaniel for sharing this. Dr. Asher’s message about right brain/left brain functions in language learning is very helpful. Also, I found myself very much liking Dr. Asher – he doesn’t pull his punches!

  2. Michael Coxon

    This was some of the conclusions I made from Asher speaking…
    Most of the students that come into the language classrooms nowadays are mostly concerned with taking two years of a foreign language to fulfill a graduation or college requirement. In a 20th century model for learning language we might have used words like memorize, study, work, and translate. As Asher points out, this type of learning happens on the left side of the brain. When we ask our brains to do such tasks we are consciously pushing our brains to learn languages. This accounts for what Asher says is 1/6 of our brain power. Talking, reasoning, arguing, and debating occur by using our conscious/left brain.

  3. Teaching Another Language through Actions is on my list to read in June. Had it for years, and never fully read it. Thanks for the interview link – it’s nice to get a sense of the person behind a book.

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