Can Do Statements – 8

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4 thoughts on “Can Do Statements – 8”

  1. Justin Slocum-Bailey has a good article on this topic:
    Ben, but even those of us who teach at schools with an affluent population this still applies to. A very small percentage of students actually have need of the language right now for pragmatic purposes (ordering food, buying a plane ticket, etc) and any tourist places that they would go to anyway usually have English speakers (at least in Western Europe). I’ve seen some of my best and most motivated students over the years come back to visit the school and tell me that they hardly ever use Spanish.
    I know TONS of people that are successful that are monolinguals.
    Ironically, I have been tutoring a student (through a tutoring service website) and I have to help him to pass a textbook-based class. We are doing past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect conjugations.

  2. Hey everyone: Here is another end of the year activity: Do a drawing day with the Invisibles. Change up some of the prompts that go on the back of the paper. Have students work in pairs. Each students draw their own character with the info. They then switch papers and write a story (in Spanish or English) about the other student’s character (on the same sheet if there is room). Then……they have to write a story together with both characters. (I am allowing English so I can get good content).
    Then take the best stories and do Storylistening and Reading activities with the them (since by this time of year students just can’t handle the back and forth communication).

    1. Nice Greg! Yes, this year they want to interact with each other. My 8th graders are saying goodbye to each other and they seriously cannot handle back and forth communication. I find that doing 15 mins of FVR vs 10 minutes is also what I have changed recently.

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