Agen 2016

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7 thoughts on “Agen 2016”

  1. Thank you, Ben, for posting this. You have always supported and encouraged me and I am sure Agen would never have taken off without your help. I’ll be posting more about Kirstin Plante and Iris Maas soon. They are doing a great job in the Netherlands.

  2. Does this mean that a CI event in India in 2016 is definitely not happening &/or is there a chance that it could happen in 2017? Those of us in Australia would absolutely love to go to Agen, however India is a much more convenient location – both distance wise and for the fact that we only get 2 weeks holiday in July (our winter holidays).

  3. We figured out that our summer in the U.S. (since we are an American School in Delhi and we all go home for the summer) that we won’t even be here in India next summer. And the school shuts down as well, being an American school. And it’s frighteningly hot.
    SO good that you asked. I was talking to Ian about getting down to Brisbane this winter/your summer but that doesn’t look like it is going to happen.
    That leaves Agen in Europe and the two U.S. conferences. (I am assuming iFLT is happening).
    But there is another option you may consider. Just come visit for a week or two at our school. Come to Linda’s classes and Zach’s and mine. We are close together on the same hallway and you could just come in and hang out all day. We could talk after school and during our plannings. That would be a ton more exposure to the process than any conference. And since you have been studying it now for awhile it would bring a lot of connections. And we would love to have you here.

  4. That eould be absolutely awesome!
    BTW – Stephen Krashen is touring Australia currently & we are so excited because we’ve just bought tickets to hear him speak next Thursday!!

  5. That would work great for me too! It’s so much closer.
    Europe would be awesome too and feel like a real vacation while also getting to talk TPRS/CI.
    However we close down here in Oman in Mid June and fly back to Maine then till it’s time to turn around and come back at the end of August.
    In my perfect world…Agen would be a great stop at the end of June on the way home…

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