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1 thought on “Winter Survival Guide – 5”
There are posters on the wall for this. It’s another reason I don’t have to go around answering questions from individual kids as they do their translation work. Remember, the purpose of this activity is for me to not have to work. If they ask a question I just point to the wall.
Here is a sample of posters I have up in my room that explains how little words function in French:
This poster set is available in German and Spanish as well and if the Latinists and others want some on the posters page (TPRS Resources page here) send them to me and I will put them up there.
There is another poster I will mention later – connecting words that I don’t have in this computer. That is a very important poster because DPS kids have to write a story on the exit tests each spring and they can’t really get above Novice Low Mid without that poster, which allows them to express ideas in a sequence or with emotion.
Of course a crucial point to make here is that spelling absolutely doesn’t ever count. We repeatedly drill into the kids that they succeed at their exit writing test when they show us that they can communicate an idea in the target language using a variety of verbs and that’s it. Here is a link to that poster – it goes up on the wall in my level 1 classes in January each year:
Another thing: obviously don’t let them use translation programs in their phones. Those are good ways to make students stupid, dishonest and dependent on electronic devices.