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4 thoughts on “WAYK”
Sounds intriguing! Would you mind sharing those links? I’m at Thanks so much for looking into this and sharing.
Fascinating. Could you share with me too? Thank you for sharing this information with us.
I have had some opportunity to work with the creator of WAYK. I fully consider it a form of CI. Would be good to hear how it works out for you. Some Latin teachers here in Georgia use it along with other CI applications and are very happy with it.
To find useful information on this method, you can search Where are your keys? (WAYK) or Language Hunters. The Language hunting books are ally helping me.
nice link to a Mandarin demo that starts from scratch:
Here’s a link to a 7 min video using Farsi. It’s pretty comprehensible once you know the routine. The two people had been playing for an hour before they started the video. I hope this gives you a feel for the method.
The wiki
On this intro page, the most helpful things were the hour and 20 min video and the new map for language learning online that gives a step by step outline of the beginning of the process and a demo video. The new map is what I wish I had found first.
There are some interesting podcasts on the blog. I haven’t had a chance to sort through all that’s there.
Willem Larsen has a bunch of videos on WAYK that are helpful, and you’ll find some of them by clicking on the bookends on the new map page. They are short, simple and clear.
Elsewhere on the wiki, I found a list of techniques. Some of them have no descriptions, but they may have podcasts or videos. I’m definitely going to try this with my lunch time Spanish club. This and movie talk.
Language hunting books:
Getting Started with Language Hunting (free)
The Language Hunter’s Kit ($15-25, you pick, and it’s online too.)
This explains the game, the moves, the reasoning behind everything. I’m beginning to get how this can be considered a game, where it originally looked like a drill. I think the language hunters kit shows how to go from What is this? to more complex language.
Also, there are lots of videos, many linked from the books.
willem larsen on youtube or vimeo
language hunters? on vimeo.
gaelic links: very short, helpful videos. They demo the process rather than teaching the process.
Have fun!