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4 thoughts on “Visual PQA – 7”
Did I miss the link for the Google Doc? There is a ton of info here! Thanks all
YEAH, I don’t know where it is either, Chill!
Ben – where’s the Google link? What is this Google file you speak of? 🙂
It’s not quite ready. It has files for Visual PQA (vPQA) from Julie and Eric and one translation from Ruth. I will add my verbal description of all the details that I learned as I observed Julie and other DPS teachers. It should be up this week. People who wish to explore more output from their students are advised to look into vPQA. To fully understand the potential here you have to read the six Visual PQA posts that preceded this one, as well as the verbal description that accompanies the link we will offer this week.
I read every word and think I get it, but seeing the choice of slides and their scaffolding along with the captions will make things totally clear. Retired, you say? You seem busier than ever and lucky us to be the beneficiaries of your “free time”! Thanks, Ben.