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10 thoughts on “Update”

  1. I found this link for children’s lit… Has anyone seen/used this? I think it would be most useful if you happened to be one-on-one (every student has own laptop) like we are but might it be useful for a computer lab? Is it not the same/good as having the actual book? What do you think?


    1. Skip:
      I just spent the morning pouring over the French selections and I think there is a lot of good material available. A lot of Hans Wilhelm’s children’s books have been translated into many of languages. Hopefully our kids are already familiar with his stories. They all contain good messages – an added bonus. I too sent this link to Ben – he can hit the delete button on my e-mail! Ahhhh, Saturday!

        1. And just to throw in here that I stay away from those kinds of internet stories, all those cute little things that are language teachers’ dreams with the top of the heap being Sr. Wooly, because I want my classroom to have time for a maximum amount of repetitions on material that is personalized to the kids in the classroom. I think that what we do works well bc of the amount of reps we get (still not enough) and the personalization we get, and I can’t get those two things from the little canned things available out there on the internet. That is just me, though. I know that those little clips are wonderful and valuable and that my kids could learn a lot from them, but I want acquisition not learning which is a direct function of the net, which cannot be achieved in clips found on the internet. I know they are fantastic for practice of things already taught, but in my world I just like reps and personalization too much to invest in anything else. I’ll play one or two from time to time when I have confidence over the machine, but, the way I have my fluency program set up, there is little time for anything but the main stuff, the fluency stuff, the net, the flow.

          1. Hey Ben,

            I recommended the children’s Lit. site as a possible resource for FVR books – for those that do not have libraries yet. The site has children’s books in different languages. I think it is different from the sites that you mention. I was thinking it would give the folks that are waiting for books in the mail a way to get started with FVR ….. right?

  2. Just saw it this morning on the moretprs list (thanks to you, actually). I checked it out and it seems quite promising. I especially love the fact that they actually have German books. I was thinking of using it for Kindergarten Day – instead of me holding the book, we’ll just look at it on the Smartboard. I am still trying to figure out a way to use this resource for FVR (I don’t know if it’s ok to print multiple copies because of copyright issues).

  3. That’s a great site. I also saw it on the mortars list. Thanks, skip.

    Here’s a link to the copyright policy:

    You are not allowed to download or print without permission from the copyright holder. However, I can assure you that pretty much anything published before 1900 is public domain. The copyright law in the US is lifetime of the author + 70 years.

    Using this with a projector or SmartBoard sounds like a good possibility. Another idea would be to have students find a book and read as a homework assignment. If you read “The Homework Myth”, this is precisely the kind of homework that Alfie Kohn says is effective. I may write a couple of the copyright holders and ask for permission. The worst that can happen is that they will tell me no.

  4. By the way, I know that with the weekends comes rest and and a break from posting articles for me, so if you see anything posted here on the weekends it is probably just time stamped. I just put it in the queue for a certain weekend day and it pops up. Just FYI. I do plan on learning how to rest.

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