Tina’s Three Proposals – 1

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1 thought on “Tina’s Three Proposals – 1”

  1. The terms absolutely need to be clarified. How is NT different than immersion? Can T2 include strategies other than circling? Does T2 include other ways to be comprehensible. Say for example using props, actors and artist pictures? During my 1 on 1 interviews, I used my hands to create new gestures on the spot, I also used a legal pad to draw up diagrams to find out more about my students such as who is in the family, pets, favorite foods, what they watch on Netflix etc… I don’t think I ever used circling, even lightly. If they didn’t get it then how is circling going to help? I established meaning then moved on because I feel that they can get better “lost” in the conversation. We need to trust that SLA is subconscious. My two cents/rant.

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