Thoughts on the Communities Standard

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4 thoughts on “Thoughts on the Communities Standard”

  1. Something I did for several years and which worked out very well, was setting my students up with “pen pals” with students learning French in an American high school. I insisted on letters written by hand on paper, which I mailed by “snail mail”. It was hard for this generation of kids to understand why it took so long to get replies, but the excitement when I handed out real letters was so great and palpable that the wait was well worth it. My French students wrote their letters in French and the Americans wrote in English. Talk about compelling input! Not only were all of the students, even the most laid-back, eagerly trying to decode their letters, but they learned “high frequency” structures like “hang out with…” that is never given in their textbooks. Of course, most of them exchanged e-mail addresses and communicated on the net, which I graciously (smirk) allowed, but their assignment was to write a letter on paper in French.

    1. Judy, I have had kids ask me about this, and I just never got it together. Did your French students write to the US kids in French, and the US kids reply in English bc the French kids are learning English? I have never done this so I’m curious about how it works.

  2. We have pen pals in Austria. Our cooperation is so great, that we are going to visit them next summer on our tour through Germany and Austria. Anyway, we write our letters to them in English, and they write in German. For the same reason Judy states above. We also send video clips back and forth and sometimes arrange for little trivia games, e.g. one of my students made a video of our town and then each kid asked a question in English related to the information in the video. They absolutely love getting letters from Austria and some kids from past classes have struck up lasting friendships. It’s all good!

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