The Mind Gets Confused

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2 thoughts on “The Mind Gets Confused”

  1. My goal this year has been to use as little L1 as possible and I’ve noticed that classes flow a lot better. I also have been okay with very minor ambiguities if I know they understand the overall message. I’ve liked it and it has caused me a little less stress worrying about them understanding everything. They understand most of the things, they just need translations for the target words and the really ambiguous stuff

    1. Kyle said:

      …my goal this year has been to use as little L1 as possible and I’ve noticed that classes flow a lot better….

      This is the secret. If anyone in our PLC is having trouble, the first thing to do is to cut down your L1 drastically. You will see something that up until now has been a secret. It has been one of the primary forces in my rebirth into TPRS this year.

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