Surviving January – 7

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7 thoughts on “Surviving January – 7”

  1. Ah, ok. You do the same thing with the Quick Quizzes. Yeah, that’s the way to do it. As you say, and as a reflection of Lori’s statements, I do QQs as more of a class closure activity. In fact, I’ve only been doing them after I tell a 5-10 minute story about myself or something interesting in the fashion of Dr. Mason at the beginning of class. After simply talking to students for 5-10 minutes about how, for example, the elevator in the Hancock Tower went on a free fall for 80 stories a month ago, with people inside (!), I find the need for a closure activity. Quick Quizzes have been my answer. That said, I’m looking for other options. I could try Freeze Frames. I could try quick sketches, where students spend a minute sketching an interesting part of the story, I collect, past to the board and Look & Discuss. Just two or three other options besides Quick Quizzes would greatly help me and my students find closure and helpful review of unfamiliar vocabulary after a Story Listening session.

    Oh, I have to share that I love telling 5-10 minutes stories about myself or something relevant to me and my students during the first part of my long 95 minute block classes.

    1. Quick Sketches – “where students spend a minute sketching an interesting part of the story, I collect, paste to the board and Look & Discuss.”

      Would you dictate a specific (easy) passage from the story while they draw so that each kid draws the same thing? Might be fun to laugh at the various versions, as long as none of the clunky artists took it personally. That depends on the class.

      It’s easy to grade and a chance to give high grades to kids who might need them, simply for listening well and drawing as best they could. When we grade like that, and also with quick quizzes bc we only ask really easy questions, they tend to listen better in class knowing that if they just listen they can succeed on the quiz. We need to pull the gunk from our minds that testing should be challenging. It’s not true. Testing should be uplifting to children.

  2. Alisa Shapiro-Rosenberg

    Drawing a character or object from the story or input a la with the volume off – and you narrating your way through it. Tight protocol for distributing, using and collecting materials. Stopping occasionally to say, “Pls show me your boards!” Muéstrenme las tablas, pf. (I use dry erase boards.) Taking a class photo of everyone’s finished Minion or Giant Hippo with a tiny head…and showing the class photo to the Ss as they line up…

    If you don’t trust your own drawing skill and the website doesn’t have the image you need, then try googling “how to draw a cartoon xyz for kids” and google images will prolly have some hits and link to some videos…I did a MT with Paddy Pan (vimeo) and found a video for drawing a cute cupcake by searching, “how to draw a cute cupcake” – it has cutie eyes…
    Embellish at will. 15 – 20 minutes – and you can dictate a statement abt the drawing, give time to personalize and show indiv drawings, etc.

    1. Awesome idea movie talk with Art for kids hub with volume down. They get to draw and receive a butt load of input – great idea. They can even practice saying please pause, wait, again, one more time, etc. And that’s not even beginning to discuss the characteristics of the actual character. Someone should contact that guy about dubbing his videos in foreign languages. Just an excellent excellent suggestion.

  3. Think of it like Movie Talk -it’s more flexible without a soundtrack. Also I have contacted the guy to add videos-and he did add ‘Fly guy’ to his collection!!

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