Report from the Field – Mila Garner

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5 thoughts on “Report from the Field – Mila Garner”

  1. I have this theory that people who are rocking it these days never heard of TPRS. It’s not a theory. Tina and I are seeing it every day. Sorry if I offend anyone. But the fact is, and perhaps I haven’t made it clear enough here, is that up until the NT piece came in (New Delhi, Jan. 2016), we only had three wheels on our CI cars. Now we have a full set of new tires. That is why teachers like Mila are getting so much speed, handling, control and traction. Of course, this is my opinion, as always.

    1. I hadn’t ever heard of TPRS until last year when I joined your PLC. When Beth told me about you and TPRS, I started researching. I was hesitant as I’m not a creative person with stories and can’t come up with funny or interesting stuff on the fly, but I was willing to try. Then I bought your DVDs and while watching, I remember thinking that I’d really need to practice the circling because I’d find it tedious. Repeating the stories in different ways is super easy and natural.

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