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7 thoughts on “Report from the Field – Ben Slavic”
370 words in 10 minutes? By hand? Wow. How lovely that she thanked you. I’m so glad there are teachers out there who are getting some love!
I don’t even think I could pull that off in Spanish! wowzers
Actually, Jim I’m sure it’s even more possible in Spanish as French has tons of “extra” silent vowels, so it takes more time. It all depends what words they have acquired.
Awesome. What I am doing for data purposes is getting a sample from each class. 2 low, 2 mid, 2 high. In each category, I’m getting 1 based on word count and another based on clarity of message and text complexity.
One of my students got a 173 on a Monday.
Steven, you say you consider 3 aspects: word count, message clarity, & text complexity. So how do you reach a student’s overall score, such as 173?
They were more like work samples. When I will talk to colleagues.
I dont grade them. I just give credit = A /no credit = redo (usually an absence).
The 173 was a word count.