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24 thoughts on “New Thread”
I’ll start things off.
Hey jen! Do you want a truck?
Ummmm, No. I have to be able to drive it but I don’t want to learn!
I truck on down the path and come upon a sign that reads “To want, or not to want; that is the question of Capitalism.” As I read, I realize I would hate for the ideology to be reduced to just that, but I shrug and keep going. It’s just another day on the trail.
I want to be a CI song writer. My first hit: “I want a bike not a truck”.
So funny I almost jumped a foot in the air Steve!
Tina, don’t be a chicken!
I’m finished with you all refusing to be cheaters. I’m putting my foot down.
(Darn. I thought “chicken” was our word. I really need that nap.)
Should have said “Give me a break, Tina.”
We wanted (does that count? I’m so unused to thinking about tenses) a truck before we moved to Colorado. But then, friends gave us a minivan, and buying a truck was needless. Our (then) 6 chickens were (to be? really??) in 2 cages, and they and all their stuff was in the back of the van for a 20-hour drive from Illinois. They were great travelers; only at dusk did they want to sleep on their roost and so started talking to us — well, complaining. I let them know I wanted them to sleep in the cages by bawking at them in a way I’d heard them do when one tells the others, “That’s it, girls, I’m heading inside for the night.” Chickens are awesome. Within 5 seconds, they were all settled down to sleep.
This story could be a pretty good reading, I think.
I want a nap. I am also very scared of naps. The last time I dozed off, I woke up buried in a mountain of blocks, cars, and trucks. Every toy in our home was on my bed. I was super tempted to fall asleep, hoping it was a dream. I still want a nap.
Dusk? Roost? Bawking? Reduced? Shrug? To truck as a verb? (Remember Zap Comics anyone? You have to be old to remember. Mr. Natural?)
I meant this is a level 1 class. Sorry forgot to say that.
I think those are boring bc not about me.
Plus I gave you to be. My mistake. Too easy. OK from below here are the verbs – you can’t use that set w the truck anymore:
to give
to finish
Oh, this was like a real thing for a class? Never mind then.
Oh, you clever man. You’re making a point. An anti-targets point.
That’s what I was starting to think as I wrote… man, I wanted to say something else (b/c despite Ben’s skepticism, my chickens are fascinating).
Even when I target, though, (and I do for some classes most of the time; the main reason is mental health related to preparing for 4 levels, and then reading issues)… well when I do, it’s looser than this exercise. I don’t put a target into each sentence necessarily, not to force it in anyway. I feel like the conversation here in the fall about sheltering instead of targeting was really helpful for me. Maybe I should say I’m sheltering new language instead of targeting. I don’t feel like it’s as unnatural. Still somewhat, yes.
Diane and I are totally cheating now, Ben.
Is this what it feels like when one kid blurts in L1 and then I’ll be others jump in ? Thread take over! Cheater power! (*Manical laughter*)
See, if you give them an inch, they’ll take a foot — then you’re finished!
oh BIG like….BIG
I love when someone gives me a good foot rub and hate it when s/he finishes.
Welcome to the cheaters club, Jen.
See, Ben, you should’ve been giving us worksheets or this never would have happened.
HEY! I’m no cheater. I’m the kid in the back of the room who wishes Mr. Slavic would GIVE you guys an ultimatum or have his FOOT up your butts, and I really feel sorry for him. Maybe if he did, we could FINISH a darn story!
So clever, but I’m just a level 1, so I’m gonna keep cheating. Mostly to try to save face.
Diane? Diane you’re not cheating with me anymore.
Diane, you have to cheat with me again!
Otherwise the teacher gets the power back.
(*must gang up on teacher, otherwise I feel insecure.*)
Give me a chance later, Claire — I’m not finished talking about my chickens yet. And their feet!
Awwww. If everyone else is doing the chicken feet thing, I…guess…I should participate?
(*thinks about chicken…gets hungry…level 1 brain short-circuits *)
Forget it.
Things were so much better in my last PLC. This one doesn’t even use a textbook.
This is beautifully ridiculous.