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2 thoughts on “Mixing CI with Traditional”
I agree Susie was a goddess with a magnificent golden hammer of love when I saw her last. And for mixing both strategies I would never have thought you would say that. But as a learner, yes a proud 4% er, learning from the walls is helpful. It helps me take command for pushing my own acquistion, which I as a motivated learner am compelled to do. And face it we are the students who stay with the language beyond the requirement, but you as a teacher are required to teach all who cross the threshold. I get it. Give me lots of places to find more knowledge and let me know it is okay, but you aren’t going to focus that way alone. You are going to bathe my brain in how the language sounds through stories and conversation so I will be able to speak beyond the written page with real people.
Kate said:
…[the teacher is] going to bathe my brain in how the language sounds through stories and conversation so I will be able to speak beyond the written page with real people….
I’m putting that sentence up for the “My Favorite Sentence of June” award. It will probably win.