L and D Blurting Plan

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3 thoughts on “L and D Blurting Plan”

  1. This is a particularly strong use of dictee. Here it is being used as a hammer to instantly quiet a classroom and send a message. Very well done, and thank you for the detailed description, John. This is getting taped to my board next to where the image is projected.

  2. Both Lance and John address blurting. Lance implies that”discussicide” is a teacher issue. John addresses blurting by students. In both cases, ego is at the root of the disturbance of the calm waters of CI. People have an idea and want to be heard. Teachers who interrupt their instruction with English (moi) are shooting themselves in the foot most of the time. Teachers who allow the blurting because they don’t have a strong plan won’t get any good CI going ever. CI needs to be uninterrupted or it can’t cut through down into the unconscious minds of the students. Our troubles are our own fault. We allow both ourselves and them to blurt. The finger is pointing back at us. Ego strikes fast and often in CI classes. We must be vigilant.

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