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5 thoughts on “Jack”

  1. Ben you’re awesome. The best I had was a teacher looking at me in the eyes and saying that I was gifted. I was a major blurter of factoids; I craved the attention. Of course, I was just memorizing all the television I watched while Mom was away at work.

    If half of the work is being there, then the other half is getting to know your students for who they are.

  2. This must be a week for melt-downs. Today, one of my students, who suffers from extreme anxiety, was having problems. I let him have time to himself in the hallway (his request), then when class was over brought him back into the room for further quiet time. When he was ready, he went to lunch.

    Ben, I agree with Steven that you are awesome.

  3. It is just so sad to me that all teachers aren’t willing to connect with their students. Why become a teacher unless you like to motivate, inspire and truly connect with your students? I feel like my school has gone so far with technology that teachers just dial it in and sit back and let the computer do their jobs. However, the students aren’t using the technology for what it is meant for, but rather to just utilize social media and mess around.

    Ben, I have watched all of your videos and you truly do have a wonderful relationship with your students. Thanks for allowing us all to see this and for inspiring not only students but fellow teachers as well!

    1. Steven Ordiano

      ” However, the students aren’t using the technology for what it is meant for, but rather to just utilize social media and mess around.”

      Yes. Even if we train students earl on how to use technology for “good”, they are still being disconnected from the humanity that the classroom can bring. I teach/babysit students at a high school to monitor their progress on an online platform in Spanish. They are always on social media. Interestingly enough I build relationships there in L1 alot more than at my middle school (which is more traditional).

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