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4 thoughts on “Individually Created Images – 4”
They’re like little image driven morality plays
Can I use that with credit in the book I’m writing about the Invisibles? Damn that’s good.
I notice that pretty much every character my kids create “has no friends.”
That’s sobering. I believe it. Can you encourage them? I guess that would be like encouraging people to vote when they are being crushed by life. They won’t. Who would? Marshawn Lynch made such a point on the Bill Maher show once and got shouted down by Barney Franks and Maher who said that when Marshawn goes into the gang invested parts of Oakland to work with the kids he should encourage the community to vote. Marshawn tried to explain poverty, but those two men couldn’t understand. I have some ideas about how to turn a class into one where they DO have friends.