Individually Created Images – 3

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11 thoughts on “Individually Created Images – 3”

  1. This is superb timing! I am going to project this image as an example of a bold and very simple drawing so that my students don’t feel it’s “impossible” to draw.

    Unfortunately I have not succeeded with my current groups doing OWI. I kept intending to do the individual drawings but for whatever reason did not get around to it. I will do them now for sure, in the last 2 weeks together in great hopes that the final chunk of classes will leave a joyful impression to counteract all the fear!

    Better late than never? I am looking back at the semester and noticing all the ways I just reacted to the group fear mindset. It just felt socially unsafe for the most part that I shut down a lot of things we started, since it would instantly go off the rails. I had a hunch that I should do the drawing days to help shift the energy. I don’t know why I resisted that hunch. Not gonna beat myself up now about it though. Will squeeze it in here at the end and see what happens! Can’t think of any reason why I shouldn’t or anything better to do with our final few classes 🙂

  2. …in great hopes that the final chunk of classes will leave a joyful impression to counteract all the fear!….

    OWIs just doesn’t have the power of ICIs. Individually Created Images combat fear. Sounds a bit looney but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

  3. I was just thinking WHY the individually created images create so much stronger stories. I think it’s because one word images, being group-created, allow the few to dominate even in that. Any group activity leads to domination by the few.

    Individually created characters, on the other hand, provide some semblance of allowing students to exercise their own personal power in the group. When their drawing is chosen, and I have seen this a lot, some obscure kid will draw some mind-blowing image that will rock a story and change the relationship of the kid to the class.

    We have to design curriculums that address elitism. If we don’t, our country will continue down the Road of Stench.

  4. A student of color once drew an ICI of a flower of different colored petals. It was a mask for her to communicate with her classmates. That class became not just a language class but one that explored individual differences but in a safe setting, without a word about race relations. Messages were communicated.

    A student whose acne kept him hidden drew an ICI of a hideous face. It was his mask, the only time in his life he may have been able to represent his feelings in a group in a school. It was a shout. These things happen in real Invisibles classes. A very focused story. Kids know when real things are happening in class. Great classroom management through great student engagement.

  5. I see that – how these ICIs allow for otherwise powerless students to exert some power in the class. That’s deep. It’s more than just a demonstration of creativity. It’s also a medium to communicate to their classmates otherwise hidden or repressed thoughts and feelings. I think about the simple example of a very quiet student last year who drew a book as her ICI. Being that so many of her peers vocally had expressed discontent with reading, that book she drew was a bold statement. I didn’t realize this so much at the time.

  6. I have been fumbling with these lately, so I just stopped doing them altogether. I have been so swamped that I have not been here in ages. I’m so glad I popped on tonight and found all of these great threads! I feel re-energized and ready to take on these characters again! Sometimes you just need a little inspiration! Thanks Ben!

  7. It’s great to hear from you Cherie. Yes, the complexity is only on the surface and as we move into spring I plan on getting us below the apparent complexity to the serene waters underlying and uplifting the Invisibles, so they can uplift our students. They really are so wonderful!

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