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3 thoughts on “Gloire Gabell”

  1. Ben–There is nothing else but the relationship building. That is the heart and soul of any communication. Why do we always blow past that truth as though everything else matters more?

    1. Amen! Some days as I am reflecting over the day, I realize that what was missing was that I was too caught up in my conveying the message that I forgot to check the delivery and understanding of it… teaching always goes better (as does life in general) when I honor the others I am communicating with by looking–truly looking, not just glazing over them–into their eyes and making sure they understand/really listening to feedback, and slowing down and making sure that I am remembering the relationship is most important. That’s what kids and adults alike remember–how others make us feel. If we make them feel worthy, valued, loved… they are much more likely to remember and respond to the messages we are conveying verbally as well! 🙂

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