Curriculum – 3

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11 thoughts on “Curriculum – 3”

    1. Criterion Referenced Test, CRT
      That’s anything that is an assessment of aptitude compared to defined criterion…either with traditional tests or qualitative performance-based rubrics. (Can you do the thing?)
      The only other type of assessment is a NRT or Norm-Referenced Test, which compares students to students, like ACTs. (Can you do better than your peers?)

      S and S is short for Scope and Sequence. Scope is the “what?” kids can do and sequence is the order they do it in.

      1. Note ”sequence” is not a time frame or unit plan or schedule. It’s a logical progression from less to more challenging…beginner to advanced. The focus is on ability, not pushing through units or themes in a given time-frame.

      2. Steven Ordiano

        Oh yeah crt and nrt were mentioned briefly in my emotional adolescent ed psych class. Along with testing validity and reliably etc…

      3. Steven Ordiano

        Claire, so essentially in the first file the s and s performance skills or level appropriate communicative behaviors are copied onto a rubric and thus assessment (crts ) blurs with instruction. Am I reading this correctly?

        1. Yes! And that direct connection between assessment and instruction and curriculum means the assessments have a higher validity.

          I’m not sure how much your class covered on types of validity, but we’ll eventually need to know why our assessments have higher validity:

          Assessments align more directly to curriculum = higher criterion validity

          Assessments align more directly to instruction = higher construct validity

          But not just this, but all types of validity are augmented by switching to more authentic assessments. In terms of psychometrics, validity is gold. You are assessment divas with this stuff.

          1. Steven Ordiano

            To sum it up Claire, assessments aligned to curriculum or an s and s results in better CRITERION validity — which describes WHAT we teach found in our rubrics or other authentic assessments.

            Assessments aligned more directly to instruction results in higher construct validity or the HOW we get there, the evidence found when we document spontaneous speech or how x student is engaged etc

            Am I reading this correctly?

  1. Other teachers have to wake kids up and waste 30 minutes on tests that don’t always tie in to what kids

    Claire this is awesome. Tests that require us to stop our instruction just waste time.

  2. Steven Ordiano

    Claire, you mentioned grammar-translation people but in my area its the hodge podge thematic people with canned dialogues who have taken over. And now theres another force on the horizon, digital technology that uses sites like kahoot, quizlet live etc… to just cram vocab. Theres also powcartoon and storybird which has students forced output towards the themes. Im not worried, we’re getting our arms ready.

  3. Steven Ordiano

    I just read the second one. For me, my greatest support from admin would be citing my cali state standards for the teaching profession or cstps in which it mandates access to content
    and inclusion for ALL students in a safe environment. This includes personalization.

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