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8 thoughts on “Comprehensible Input at University of Georgia 1”
Your articles are listed on the syllabus, Ben. That’s big!
Especially since I am a South Carolina Gamecocks fan!
Introducing CI to the teachers of the future is the point of the sword. Bob’s syllabus is a perfect blending of theory and practice. It will be interesting to read the student’s reactions on the blog!
Re: the students, Bob did say this to me last June as he was sketching out that badass syllabus:
…what I have in mind as an example of expected behavior is that they are required to read the blog, but that their comments, questions and concerns be brought to my classroom and not be inserted into the PLC. The PLC is for true practitioners and is no place for a student to work out what he/she thinks about second language acquisition….
I do want this space to be for new people to ask questions, of course, and not be shy in that respect, but the key thing that we want here is in the last part of that sentence above – no discussion about the relative merits of Krashen’s work.
To attempt to relate Krashen’s work to their own concepts and then weigh the two when one has never set foot in a classroom appears to me stupid and I don’t think any of us has the time or inclination to talk theory any more while the buildings are burning.
What is very cool is that we haven’t had to deal with people like that assistant professor at U of Iowa and others for a few years now. Making the blog private really did fix that problem. Remember how much good time we lost dealing with people who wanted to put their acquisition theory views on us? Those days are over, at least here.
And I maintain that posture, Ben. However, I can see where there would be interest on the PLC about how what is happening here affects students taking up this work. I am going to ponder ways that I can report back here about our classroom conversations in ways that are respectful of what happens there, as well, but I think in a sense that if the PLC is serving as a living library, of sorts, the members here deserve a sense of what effect it is having.
CI work is about making deep connections, through language, if it is anything. I want a find a way to bridge the gap here. This is such a rich place, and I am so grateful to Ben for allowing my grad students to enter and read and absorb as much as they can. I’d like to give you at least a view into what that is meaning for them.
I like the idea that the PLC is a “living library”.
Thank you Bob,
I would love the feedback from your students and thank you for the syllabus, that was very well thought out!
Bob it also ties right in with my personal interest in working with people who are new to all of this in a way we haven’t in previous years. I would like to at least attempt to make the content here available on two levels – our usual wide open banter but also the level of what must new people be thinking and can we answer their questions and can they step up and ask them? So your graduate students can help in that endeavor. And thank you for that in advance!