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2 thoughts on “Chris Stolz on Teacher Training”
I’ll clarify–
A). Picturetalk is Ben’s Look and Discuss. You put an image on projector which is a part of the story you just asked. Then you make statements, ask questions, circle etc in target language.
In my German demo– das Mädchen das eine blaue Katze wollte (the girl who wanted a blue cat), one of my props is a beer bottle. I put a picture on the o/h of a guy walking and drinking a beer, while his girfriend walks behind him carrying like 4 24s. It’s funny. Circle away– does the guy have beer? Yes. Does the girl have lots of beer? Yes. Is the guy handsome? Nooo!
B) by “reinforce,” I mean, use every tool you have to get re
B) reps. Story, teacher-led q&A retells, picturetalk, movietalk, reading. Do it all in one blast at the start of your workshop (~90 min). This works because, by getting more reps than you can from just asking a story, they learn it better, and then later when you actually teach them how to do movietalk, l&d, etc, you have a concrete example to which to refer– what you did with them– PLUS they feel good cos they understand your language.
C) Ben was the one who suggested “don’t do a ton of research.” He was right. I would focus on 4 things: basic CI facts, slow, word frequency lists, ineffectveness of output & grammar practice