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8 thoughts on “John Daley”

  1. “Above all I have discovered that I am looking into my students eyes and learning more about them and in turn am learning more about myself.”

    I agree on this one, John. I thought my class dynamic changed for the better because of really seeking to know what they knew, not gaming it so they needed to act like they knew more than they did. Welcome to the group!

  2. For a text, pick the most-useful words (of all kinds) for each unit and build stories around those. Most textbooks totally go overboard on low-frequency vocab most of which the kids either can’t acquire or forget anyway.

    1. thanks Chris.

      I don’t know how adept I am at building stories. I need to start doing my own the kids are getting a bit bored with things. Unlike myself, they don’t see the value in repping the Structures.
      I’m open for suggestions. My email is

  3. Welcome, John. I teach Spanish in Dudley, MA (Shepherd Hill Reg HS). There is also a John Bracey over your way. He teaches Latin, in Weston, I believe.

    Connecting with Skip and Eric is a good thing. It may help to know, when you refer to Skip, that he is the new Teacher of the Year in Maine.

    Also, any language which is used to communicate is authentic. According to the official definition, a you-tube of a baby saying “Dadda” is an authentic resource, but a you-tube of our students ordering a pizza in Spanish is not. So let’s redefine authentic to mean using language to communicate a message or to express or to do whatever else we do with languages. The official definition may be fine for summative assessments or as a goal to work toward. We do not prepare for marathons by running Marathons–look at what that do to the first Marathoner.

      1. How you doing brother ?
        I’m plugged in now.
        All I need is 10 more hours in my day, and I’ll be great. 😉
        Sorry I haven’t reached out in a bit.
        I do want to come down some Friday maybe ?
        I gotta close grades tonight….still haven’t done the movie talk with them….

  4. John – I am in southern Maine. email me – I would be more than happy to have you come and observe.
    Jen Schongalla is in NH; Claudette Moran is in southern NH near Portsmouth. We can help and would LOVE to!!! I am sure that Skip told you that we are having a regional peer coaching on June 10 up in Lewiston — there are inexpensive hotels nearby – maybe you can even room with someone coming from afar! 🙂
    I too have to “play the game” for the state of Maine and would love to collaborate.

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