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3 thoughts on “Britt Samson”

  1. Yes, I think a lot of us would be interested in hearing more about your research. Is “action research” the kind where you are testing ideas and methods in your own classes – not a control group/wide testing, but intentionally observing and testing different things?

    1. Diane,
      Sorry to take so long to reply! Yes, action research is what you described. I taught via TPRS this year and compared this year’s TPRS kids semester test results (as that is what sells to the admin.) to last year’s traditionally taught results. I gave the exact same test to compare “apples to apples.” My German II kids prefer this method by a landslide! This year’s kids (it will come as no surprise to all of you–that’s why you’re on this PLC) outscored last year’s by an average of 10.4%!! I also need to clarify for my bio–I’m the only TPRS/CI teacher in my district that I’m aware of. There are a couple of Spanish teachers in a neighboring district who use it, but not their German teacher.

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