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1 thought on “Briana Livingston”
Bravo Briana,
Awesome encouragements from people around you, parents and admin alike to go on doing what you are doing!
I too I am a lone wolf in a school of 3100 kids and 18 FL teachers and I am the only one doing it also . So we all need each other here for that reason.
I think my colleagues respect me (I could be wrong) b/c my classroom door is always open and all they hear (I’m naturally loud) all day is French. So when they ask me questions about what and how I do what I do I explain it to them without forcing them to change their way and so naturally they see/hear that I walk the walk. Can’t go wrong with leading by example right?
Whether I am doing it right or not is a different question (probably not because I learn everyday) but I can go to bed at night knowing I’ve done and tried my best to do CI which IMO is the fastest way to acquisition.
We respect each other and reserve the right to practice the way we see fit, according to our beliefs.
Sorry about going on a tangeant here.
Welcome Briana!