Administrator Re-Education

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1 thought on “Administrator Re-Education”

  1. Ben: Good idea to put it all together.
    Jody: I was thinking today about my daughter’s high school and whether it’s worth all the work it’s going to take to move that super-tanker just a few degrees to a new course. I felt good knowing that I’m in a unique position: I’m a well-informed parent (terrifying prospect to our children’s teachers). I’m passionate about promoting bilingualism with good instruction. I’m a good listener. I’m persistent. I’m a part-time teacher so I have the extra time to do this right. I know a lot of the students in my girl’s grade who are in these classes. I’m the right person for this job.

    Then I wondered, how would I feel if, for the next six years (until my younger girl graduates that high school) I just sat back and only focused on my own classroom. It was clear to me: It would be a significant failure of parenting. I would feel like I missed an important opportunity.

    So I’m going forward. Anyone know how to have significant input into state (California) language standards? How often they get revised or amended?
    Ben Lev

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