A Pack of Greyhounds on Wheels

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3 thoughts on “A Pack of Greyhounds on Wheels”

  1. If you were in Colorado in the 80’s, you must have watched the Coors Classic in person, which had awesome TV coverage that I videotaped and watched over and over during high school. I didn’t like literature, but I devoured biographies of all the greats of the time: Hinault, LeMond, Hampsten, Sean Kelly, Stephen Roche, Paul Kimmage, (Can you tell I’m also Irish?). I even took French 1 as a senior so I could buy and read copies of Miroir du Ciclisme and eventually race in Belgium for one pathetic but awesome season. Point is, this 16year old cycling jock who wanted nothing to do with literature but would jump into a French class without hesitation in order to read more about cycling, was lucky to have an English teacher who was also really into cycling, and she let me read and get credit for the hundreds of pages a month I was reading, even though none of them were on the syllabus. BTW, my French teacher was all about conversation–anything goes, and we had a freakin’ blast, joking and fooling around all the time, mortifying French exchange students with our dirty sense of humor, but the joke was on us, because it was all in french! My French name was Charly, after Charly Mottet, whom I thought was the coolest looking racer on the planet.

  2. John,
    Inspiring post. We can reach students in any of a myriad of ways. Let THEIR interests be our guide! Long live compelling input!
    BTW–I think I heard Ben yelling in French to the Schleck brothers (from French and German-speaking Luxembourg).

  3. Charly why don’t you and Ben Lev come out – bring your bikes – to the Pro Challenge next year. They said that it was the most people ever to watch a bike race bike in America – 250.000. And we can spend a few days cranking out some miles. IF the three of us can keep up with that great Belgian racer Charly Mottet!

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