A Blow To His Confidence 27

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4 thoughts on “A Blow To His Confidence 27”

  1. OK I think it’s STUPID:
    I think a teacher is stupid to not acknowledge a higher level student! Whenever I have students that forge ahead, I support them and am proud of the initiative. The people that succeed in life have not just sat back to be spoon fed, they have worked hard and pushed ahead. Isn’t this the AMERICAN way? Isn’t it this type of person that has made America great?
    I think it’s stupid to give an assignment the students coudn’t possibly do correctly! What teacher in their right mind would do such a thing! The students will never correctly learn the imparfait that way… So, is it cheating to search out more information to complete an assignment correctly? Do students need to submit reports from prior teachers to show that have already ‘introduced’ certain grammar points? Everyone knows that computer grammar checks aren’t that accurate… (Does anyone remember way back to an article that showed all the flaws in those grammar checks?? The paragraph was hilarious…) Did the teacher stipulate that the use of a computer was forbidden?
    I also think it’s stupid to grade a summer assignment. If the teacher is worried that students have ‘cheated’ it should be given the first week of class, IN class. Is looking up a verb conjugation cheating? Is checking the meaning of a word in a dictionary cheating? Is it cheating to be able to use your own brain?
    I’m sorry that I have not given K any advice to help but I can’t even print what I really think about this, it would be censored!! lol I can say this: K stick to your guns. You’ve been handling this whole situation super well, bravo!!

  2. Let’s apply this teacher’s logic to other disciplines:
    -From Math: We haven’t learned decimals yet, so solve the following problem using fractions. In a group of 35 students, 9 speak English, 10 speak Spanish, 4 speak Korean, 6 speak Arabic, and 6 are bilingual. What percentage of the students speak only one language? Remember, use fractions only.
    -From History: We haven’t talked about the Balkan states yet, so without reference to any events in Sarajevo, explain the causes of World War I.
    -From PE: We haven’t practiced batting, so without actually hitting the ball, go play a game of baseball. If anyone uses a skill we haven’t covered in class, he’s obviously cheating, so all of you baseball players who have done Pop Warner and Little League can’t use what you’ve learned in those settings. If you do, you will fail.
    How many students and parents would simply roll over and let a teacher get away with that in these other disciplines? How is this teacher pulling it off in a language class? This is worse than poor teaching, this is mind control disguised as teaching.

  3. I agree with you all. The limitations on this summer assignment are ridiculous. But please don’t blame IB. I’m in a program in which I have IB students, and while we had to submit our curriculum at the start of our school’s participation in the program, IB doesn’t mandate how teachers teach.

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