You Don't Have to Finish the Story

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2 thoughts on “You Don't Have to Finish the Story”

  1. I felt the same way this week–that the 9-week point has been a sort of turning point now. I like this better than the first 2- week honeymoon period, because that wasn’t real (just like I like being married for 30+ years better than being married 1 year).
    I think my students and I know each other a little bit better now and I think most of them even trust me–that is, even when I mess up and have bad days, I think they trust that all in all, I am trying to do my best for them. Well, that’s what it felt like today, anyway.
    I felt so honored this week when one of my students who is in band (I have quite band students in Spanish II) gave me a formal invitation to join them at semi-state tomorrow. I get to ride in the van with the band parents! The invitation said something about my listening to their lives, unlike some other teachers who pretend to care. The only reason they said this is because of those student cards. Those cards are not just about circling and learning Spanish–it showed one student, at least, that I am interested in their lives outside of class.
    Thank you, Ben, for that.

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