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7 thoughts on “Webinar in One Hour”
This makes me want to join Facebook…
That’s not an easy decision. I avoided FB for many years but finally had to cave so I could get the Invisibles group going.
I’ve been going back and forth about it since getting back into teaching as I know there are great opportunities for PD, but this PLC is scratching that itch at the moment 🙂
Ben you know I have FaceBook Fobia. Are you going to share the webinar here – pretty please?
Sharing is caring.
Yes I will but I went to TD and couldn’t find it. I’ll write myself a note.
The problem w those webinars is that they are an hour long or, in the case of people with my initials, sometimes much longer.
That’s why I’m keeping my Invisibles videos under ten minutes.
Thanks, Ben!