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2 thoughts on “War Wounds 1”
Ben, thanks for turning your marathon nightmare experience into something so positive and helpful for the troops in the trenches. Doing the right thing for the right reasons and for the kids should not bring such grief to anyone and is a great injustice. And that grief can cause true physical pain.
Thanks for hanging in there and providing such a beneficial support network for us!
Thank you Ardythe. I think it quite odd that, as I now round third and head for home in life, I look back at all of it and that one principal, because he was so closed minded to a set of ideas and way of teaching that I cared for with such passion, stands out in my life map as one of the truly darkest things I have ever confronted in my entire life. For, in the end, there is no line separating our jobs from our lives. These kids we teach are a very big part of our lives. The people with whom we work are huge in importance – we see and talk to them every day. And if the milieu in which we work is hard (it’s hard enough just with the kids even in a supportive teaching environment), it can break a person. I do feel that East High broke me. But I got picked up.