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8 thoughts on “War Room Process”

  1. Great! I am so glad that you put that out there, cuz I know I suck at a lot of this stuff but I have not been able to get better at it just by thinking, reading about it. Let’s get to work 🙂


  2. I agree. i do think though that watching other being coached is powerful too. I watched at Ntprs for 2years before i finally jumped in. I do think this group has an advantage b/c we have a head start in developing community/ trust. Those who are still a bit hesitant tp practice will benefit greatly from watching too.
    Really enjoying our time in the Rocky Mtn. State:-)

  3. Hi! I just re-joined this group after a brief stint here a year or two ago – I loved it but didn’t have the time for it back then. I’d love to stay now that I’m back however. I have a question about tomorrow: is anyone arriving as late as I am (9:10 pm) who would like to share a taxi from the airport to the Marriott? Thank you if so!! Katya Burton 415 235 3203

  4. OK – I *have* to stop reading this blog now — until next month! I am SO upset that I am not going to be joining y’all in Denver or Chicago!!!!
    BEN….Please videotape your War Room – I *really* wanted to go to iFLT, just so I could attend your War Room and get some help!
    Have fun everyone – I miss you all and will be thinking about you! (SKIP and ANNEMARIE — bring back some more good tips!)

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