War Room Group – Denver

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6 thoughts on “War Room Group – Denver”

  1. Hi Ben,

    I think what we have been doing with the peer coaching group in Maine could morph nicely into the War Room idea. We are meeting again on August 21st. We usually have around 10 people… I expect more on the 21st b/c we will be a few days away from returning back to school.

    Very exciting to see the potential for the regional groups.


    1. Well skip you guys have been putting the term regional in training for well over 20 years now so you are the first and oldest, and everybody says it is because of your steady hand in organizing the conference in Lewiston each year that that is true.

      I do have a question and a concern about the growing idea of regional coaching sessions, and anyone reading this is invited please to offer input on this.

      I know that there is a model of training built around peer coaching and that is great. But I also know that the model we developed here over recent months, the specific War Room model, is different than a peer coaching model. Our model is very strict in terms of minutes spent working and then critiquing each other’s work. In other words, we have our own rules and they work for us but only bc we hammer things out in such detail here on the PLC.

      So I feel that the War Room model is different from other models and is particular to this PLC. So my question is should we, on the one hand, just drop the term War Room and realize that what we are doing is just peer coaching, or, on the other hand, do we take it to an extreme and even consider copyrighting the term so that people don’t confuse it with other ways of coaching?

      I know for a fact that Blaine’s reason for copyrighting the term TPRS was simply to keep others from claiming the term and then misrepresenting it? What should we do? My own feeling is that our model is specific to this PLC and that we should only let people (Sabrina, John, Sean, Angie, Carly, Louisa, Anu, those few from this summer) who know what the War Room model is and how it is done and limit coaching sessions under that name to the regional tutelage of those people only so that we don’t get into a deal where War Rooms become general peer coaching sessions.

      Ideas welcome!

  2. Weird, I made a comment and it didn’t show up. So here it is again.

    Skip, YES, YES, and more YES!

    Either format, peer coaching or war room, I’m in for doing that every day at this year’s Maine conference. I loved the peer coaching that was done last October with Sabrina and Laurie. I could do that every day. The regular presentations are also valuable, but in terms of bang for seat time, I’d like to spend more time in a war room.

  3. Guys, I’m excited about this and want to open up our calendars and see what’s going to work for us in the Denver/front range group. I’m willing to meet about as often as anyone else is interested. When do we want to get this thing started?

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